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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - process


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Перевод с английского языка process на русский

1) вычислительный 2) движение 3) обрабатывать 4) обрабатывающий 5) обработать 6) перерабатывать 7) прием 8) процедура 9) процесс 10) способ 11) технологический 12) течение absolutely random process — чисто случайный процесс absorbing barrier process — процесс с поглощающим барьером acid open-hearth process — кислый мартеновский процесс alternating renewal process — альтернирующий процесс восстановления basic Bessemer process — томасовский процесс basic oxygen process — кислородно-конвертерный процесс basis open-hearth process — основной мартеновский процесс birth and death process — матем. процесс рождения и гибели calorizing by powder process — алитирование в твердой среде chromizing by powder process — твердое диффузионное хромирование circularly correlated process — циркулярно коррелированный процесс continuous spinning process — непрерывный процесс прядения death process modelмодель процесса гибели direct ore-reduction process — бездоменный процесс direct reduction process — способ прямого восстановления discontinuous discrete process — дискретный процесс discrete time process — процесс с дискретным временем disturbed harmonic process — возмущенный гармонический процесс disturbed harmonic process — возмущенный гармонический процесс drawn-gate CMOS process — технология КМОП-схем с удлиненными затворами dynamic programming process — процесс динамического программирования equally correlated process — равнокоррелированный процесс fellows process machiningобкатка heterogeneous in time process — неоднородный во времени процесс imbedded renewal process — вложенный процесс восстановления independent increments process — процесс с независимыми приращениями infinitely decomposable infinetely divisible process — безгранично делимый процесс interpolation of random process — интерполяция случайного процесса jointly stationary process — совместно стационарный процесс linearly regular process — линейно регулярный процесс linearly singular process — линейно сингулярный процесс locally integrable process — локально интегрируемый процесс locally stable process — локально устойчивый процесс many-state death process — процесс гибели с множеством состояний metrically transitive process — метрически транзитивный процесс moving summation process — процесс скользящего суммирования multistage multistep process — многошаговый процесс multivariate N-dimensional process — многомерный процесс partially deterministic process — частично детерминированный процесс partially mixing process — процесс с частичным перемешиванием path of a process — путь процесса periodically stationary process — периодически стационарный процесс plasma spraying process — плазменная металлизация positively regular process — положительно регулярный процесс process heat demand — технологическое потребление тепла process normality test — критерий нормальности процесса process of finite variation — процесс конечной вариации process of hidden periodicities — процесс со скрытой периодичностью process steam extraction — технологический отбор пара process under control process — контролируемый процесс process with aftereffect — процесс с последействием process with bounded aftereffect — процесс с ограниченным последействием process with continuous spectrum — процесс с непрерывным спектром process with denumerably many states — процесс со счетным множеством состояний process with discrete spectrum — процесс с дискретным спектром process with immigration — процесс с иммиграцией process with independent increments — процесс с независимыми приращениями, аддитивный процесс process with interactions — процесс с взаимодействиями process with maximal rank — процесс с памятью process with nonstationary increments — процесс с нестационарными приращениями, неоднородный во времени процесс process with orthogonal increments — процесс с ортогональными приращениями process with recycleциркулЯЦИОННЫЙ ПРОЦЕСС process with stationary and independent increments — процесс со стационарными и независимыми приращениями, однородный процесс process with stationary increments — процесс со стационарными приращениями, однородный во времени процесс process without aftereffect — процесс без последействия process without memory — процесс без памяти process without spontaneous changes — процесс без спонтанных изменений purely random process — чисто случайный процесс realization of random process — реализация случайного процесса rubber regeneration process — способ регенерации резины second-order stationary process — стационарный в широком смысле процесс, стационарный процесс второго порядка sequential decision process — процесс последовательного принятия решений side-blown converter process — малое бессемерование simulate process on computerмоделировать ЭВМ slowly branching process — медленно ветвящийся процесс statistical process control — управление статистическое statistically stationary process — статистически стационарный процесс steady stochastic process — стационарный вероятностный процесс strictly stationary process — стационарный в узком смысле процесс temporally continuous process — непрерывный во времени процесс temporally homogeneous process — однородный во времени процесс weakly correlated process — слабо коррелированный процесс weakly ergodic process — слабо эргодический процесс weakly stationary process — слабо стационарный процесс wide sense stationary process — процесс, стационарный в широком смысле zero-one renewal process — альтернирующий процесс восстановления - Bessemer process - Crouse process - Kroll process - Markov process - Moebius process - Orbach process - Wohlwill process - a priori process - abstract process - additive process - age-dependent process - autoregressive process - auxiliary process - band-limited process - basic process - binary process - binomial process - birth process - birth-and-death process - birth-illness-death process - bivariate process - bloomery process - bracketing process - branching process - canonical process - cascade process - centered process - circular process - clustering process - collecting process - computation process - computational process - conditioned process - conservative process - constructive process - contagion process - continuation process - continuous process - controlled process - convergent process - converter process - convex process - counter-flow process - countercurrent process - counting process - cumulative process - cupola process - decay process - decision process - decision-making process - decomposable process - degenerate process - denumerable process - denumerably-valued process - diagonal process - difference process - differential process - differentiation process - digital process - directing process - dishonest process - dissipative process - distributed-parameter process - divergent process - dry-press process - dual process - dynamic process - elementary process - empirical process - equally-correlated process - equilibrium process - ergodic process - evolutionary process - exhaustive process - explosive process - exponential process - extended process - extinction process - feedback process - feedforward process - fictitions process - finite process - fit process adequately - fitting process - fundamental process - general process - generating process - genetic process - gradient process - graph-searching process - growth process - half-additive process - harmonic process - harmonizable process - hereditary process - heterogeneous process - heuristic process - holomorphic process - homogeneous process - ideal process - immigration process - implement process - increasing process - indirect process - inducED PROCESS - infinite process - infinitesimal process - informational process - inhomogeneous process - input process - install process - integer-value process - integrable process - interpolatory process - inverse process - irreversible process - isentropic process - isobaric process - isochoric process - isonormal process - isothermal process - isotropic process - iterative process - jump process - ladder process - learning process - left-continuous process - limit process - linear process - logic of process - logistic process - lumped process - martingale process - measurable process - memoryless process - minimal process - mixed process - mixing process - modulated process - monotonous process - moving-average process - multidimensional process - multiparameter process - multiple-chain process - multiple-phase process - multiplicative process - nature of process - near-equilibrium process - neutral process - noise process - non-steady process - nondeterministic process - nondissipative process - nonequilibrium process - nonhereditary process - nonhomogeneous process - nonnormalized process - nonpreemptive process - nonstationary process - numerical process - observation process - observed process - one-dimensional process - one-sided process - one-state process - open-hearth process - optimal process - optimum process - orthogonal process - orthogonalization process - oxidizing process - percolation process - periodic process - persistent process - perturbated process - piecewise-linear process - pig-and-ore process - point process - predictable process - probabilistic process - process acid - process average - process camera - process chart - process condensate - process convergence - process data - process engineering - process feed - process film - process function - process gas - process graph - process information - process installation - process interface - process liquid - process liquor - process load - process model - process occurs - process of abstraction - process of exhaustion - process of iteration - process of randomization - process oil - process oxygen - process runs - process steam - process the rubber - process variable - process water - product process - production process - pseudorandom process - pursuit process - quasistable process - quasistationary process - random-walk process - real-valued process - reciprocal process - recurrent process - recursive process - reduced process - reducible process - reduction process - regenerative process - regular process - renewal process - repeatable process - repetitive process - reproduce process - restorative process - return process - reverberatory process - reverse process - rewriting process - right-continuous process - risk process - rotor process - sampling process - search process - selection process - separable process - sequential process - shuffling process - sieving process - simple process - simplex process - singular process - smoothed process - smoothing process - soft-mud process - space-time process - spatial process - spectral process - stagewise process - standard process - steady-state process - steel-making process - stencil process - stepwise process - stochastic process - stopped process - subordinated process - summation process - supercritical process - synergistic process - terminating process - theorem-proving process - time-dependent process - time-homogeneous process - trajectory process - transient process - transport process - trial-and-error process - two-dimensional process - two-sided process - two-stage process - two-state process - umklapp process - uncontrolled process - uniform process - UNIT PROCESS - unstable process - unsteady process - unsteady-state process - vector process - vector-valued process - welding process - well-measurable process - xiphoid process
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См. в других словарях

  см. product ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  I 1. сущ. 1) общ. процесс process optimization — оптимизация процесса process engineering — технология; организация производственного процесса process flow — последовательность (схема) технологического процесса process planner — планер процесса process requirements — требования к процессу process technology — технология процесса process refinement — совершенствование технологического процесса process time — время процесса process of decay — процесс гниения Syn: operation, procedure 2) общ. течение, ход (событий, развития) 3) юр. судебный процесс 2. гл. 1) юр. возбуждать дело; вызывать в суд, присылать (кому-л.) повестку в суд 2) общ. подвергать обработке, обрабатывать (подвергать что-л. производственному или технологическому процессу) to process leather — обрабатывать кожу 3) упр. обрабатывать, оформлять (документы и т. п.); работать (с чем-л.); рассматривать (заявление, кандидатуру и т. п.) to process insurance claims — рассматривать страховые требования Computers process data. — Компьютеры обрабатывают данные. 4) тех. воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом II гл. общ., разг. участвовать двигаться в процессии They processed down the aisle towards the altar. — Они прошли по проходу по направлению к алтарю. PROCESS 1. сущ. 1) процесс 2) ход 3) течение, движение 4) юр....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) процесс 2) отросток, придаток, вырост, лопасть 3) подвергать обработке, обрабатывать – articular process – autocatalytic process – batch process – bony process – catabolic process – ciliary process – cognitive process – continuous process – coracoid process – coronoid process – cut and patch repair process – dorsal process – excitative process – Folian process – frontal process – head process – hedonic process – hornlike process – individual process – inhibitory process – irreversible process – labiate process – mammillary process – mandibular process – maxillary process – metabolic process – nasal process – notochordal process – occluded process – odontoid process – osmotic process – physiological process – pleural coxal process – pleural wing process – posterior notal process – repair process – reproductive process – reversible process – semicontinuous process – spinous process – strutted process – xiphoid process ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. процесс; ход развития natural process —- естественный процесс the evolutionary process —- эволюционный процесс the process of water becoming ice —- процесс превращения воды в лед 2. течение, движение, ход in process of time —- с течением времени in process of construction —- в процессе строительства 3. юр. вызов в суд; судебное предписание a process will be served on him —- его вызовут в суд; он получит повестку в суд 4. юр. судопроизводство 5. юр. судебный процесс 6. тех. технологический процесс, прием, способ; режим continuous process —- непрерывный процесс process chart —- карта технологического процесса 7. полигр. фотомеханический способ process block —- клише, полученное фотомеханическим способом; оттиск с такого клише 8. анат. отросток, придаток, вырост, лопасть; выступ (кости, нервной клетки) 9. бот. отросток 10. "процесс" (вид прически) 11. обработанный, переработанный process tankage —- с-х. корм или удобрение из отходов 12. юр. возбуждать дело, начинать процесс 13. юр. присылать кому-либо повестку в суд 14. подвергать обработке, обрабатывать to process leather —- обрабатывать кожу 15. обрабатывать (документацию, книги, поступающие в библиотеку) to process data —- обрабатывать данные 16. полигр. воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом 17. ам....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) процесс, ход развития; changes are in process - происходят перемены  2) движение, ход, течение; in process of time - с течением времени  3) leg. вызов (в суд); предписание; судебный процесс  4) anat.; zool.; bot. отросток  5) tech. технологический процесс, прием, способ  6) typ. фотомеханический способ  2. v.  1) leg. возбуждать процесс  2) подвергать (какому-л. техническому) процессу; обрабатывать  3) coll. участвовать в процессии  4) typ. воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  процесс – combined decoding process – commutation process – decoding process – encoding process – interference prediction process – Markovian process – outgoing local process – print process – random process – single-pulse process – stationary process – stochastic process – transient process ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  процесс обрабатывать process of deterioration activated sludge process adiabatic process aerobic biofilm process aerobic suspended-growth process air conditioning process assembly-line construction process captivated sludge process CAS process cementation process chlorinated lime process chlorine ammonia process complete mixing activated sludge process computation process concrete laying process continuous activated sludge process conventional activated sludge process CS process deaeration process design process Dohottay process dry process dry shotcreting process dry-tamp process empty-cell process fracture process full-cell process Joosten process kraus process lime process lime and soda-ash process manufacturing process MAS process measurement process melt extraction process modified activated sludge process modified aeration process oxidation process polytropic process site organization processs sludge blanket process soda-and-lime process solids-contact process two-part process unox process wet process wet shotcreting process wet-pressed process working cycle process zeolite process ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) процесс 2) (технологический) процесс; (технологическая) обработка 3) технологический приём; способ 4) технология 5) режим; ход (процесса) 6) обрабатывать, подвергать обработке 7) подвергать анализу, анализировать 8) воспроизводить фотомеханическим способом to design process — разрабатывать технологию - acetone-acetylene process - acetylene process - Acheson process - acid process - acid Bessemer process - acid reclaiming process - acyclic process - Adapti investment casting process - additive process - adiabatic process - aerobic process - Aero case process - age-dependent process - air blast process - air-sand process - Alcan process - Al-Dip process - alfin process - alkaline process - alkali reclaiming process - Allis-Chalmers agglomeration reduction process - ALT process - aluminothermic process - anaerobic process - anamorphotic process - annealing-in-line process - anode process - anodic electrode process - AOD process - aqua-cast process - ARBED-ladle-treatment process - arc-air process - arc-remelting process - argon-oxygen-decarburization process - ASEA-SKF process - autoregressive process - averaging process - Azincourt process - azo coupling process - background process - bag process - BAP process - Barrow process - Basett process - basic process - basic-arc process - basic Bessemer process - basic oxygen process - batch process - biofiltration process - bipolar process - bipolar-FET process - bipolar-MOS process - BISRA degassing process - black-heart process - Blackodising process - blast-furnace process - Blaw-Knox process - bleaching process - Bochumer-Verein process - boiling process - bonding process - bottom-argon-process process - broadband random process - bromoil transfer process - bromoil process - bubble-column process - bubble-hearth process - buffer-slag process - Calmes process -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a course of action or proceeding, esp. a series of stages in manufacture or some other operation. 2 the progress or course of something (in process of construction). 3 a natural or involuntary operation or series of changes (the process of growing old). 4 an action at law; a summons or writ. 5 Anat., Zool., & Bot. a natural appendage or outgrowth on an organism. --v.tr. 1 handle or deal with by a particular process. 2 treat (food, esp. to prevent decay) (processed cheese). 3 Computing operate on (data) by means of a program. Phrases and idioms in process of time as time goes on. process server a sheriff's officer who serves writs. Derivatives processable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF proces f. L processus (as PROCEED) 2. v.intr. walk in procession. Etymology: back-form. f. PROCESSION ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~es)  Etymology: Middle English proces, from Anglo-French proces, from Latin ~us, from procedere  Date: 14th century  1.  a. progress, advance in the ~ of time  b. something going on ; proceeding  2.  a.  (1) a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead toward a particular result the ~ of growth  (2) a continuing natural or biological activity or function such life ~es as breathing  b. a series of actions or operations conducing to an end; especially a continuous operation or treatment especially in manufacture  3.  a. the whole course of proceedings in a legal action  b. the summons, mandate, or writ used by a court to compel the appearance of the defendant in a legal action or compliance with its orders  4. a prominent or projecting part of an organism or organic structure a bone ~ a nerve cell ~  5. conk VI  II. transitive verb  Date: 1532  1.  a. to proceed against by law ; prosecute  b.  (1) to take out a summons against  (2) to serve a summons on  2.  a. to subject to a special ~ or treatment (as in the course of manufacture or film development)  b.  (1) to subject to or handle through an established usually routine set of procedures ~ insurance claims  (2) to integrate sensory information received so that an action or response is generated the brain ~es visual images relayed from the retina  (3) to subject to examination or analysis computers ~ data  c. to work (hair) into a conk  III. adjective  Date: 1888  1. treated or made by a special ~ especially when involving synthesis or artificial modification  2. made by or used in a mechanical or photomechanical duplicating ~  3. of or involving illusory effects usually introduced during ~ing of the film  IV. intransitive verb  Etymology: back-formation from 1~ion  Date: 1814 chiefly British to move in a ~ion ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (processes, processing, processed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A process is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible... The best way to proceed is by a process of elimination. N-COUNT: oft supp N, N of n 2. A process is a series of things which happen naturally and result in a biological or chemical change. It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process... N-COUNT 3. When raw materials or foods are processed, they are prepared in factories before they are used or sold. ...fish which are processed by freezing, canning or smoking... The material will be processed into plastic pellets. ...diets high in refined and processed foods. VERB: be V-ed, be V-ed into n, V-ed • Process is also a noun. ...the cost of re-engineering the production process. N-COUNT • processing America sent cotton to England for processing. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 4. When people process information, they put it through a system or into a computer in order to deal with it. ...facilities to process the data, and the right to publish the results... VERB: V n • processing ...data processing... N-UNCOUNT: supp N see also word processing 5. When people are processed by officials, their case is dealt with in stages and they pass from one stage of the process to the next. Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 6. If you are in the process of doing something, you have started to do it and are still doing it. The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan... PHRASE: V inflects, usu v-link PHR 7. If you are doing something and you do something else in the process, you do the second thing as part of doing the first thing. You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process. PHRASE: PHR with cl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a series of natural developments or events that produce gradual change  (Coal was formed out of dead forests by a slow process of chemical change. | the digestive process) 2 a series of actions that someone takes in order to achieve a particular result  (Teaching him to read was a slow process. | the electoral process | by a process of elimination (=by proving that no other possibility is true))  (The identity of the dead man was established by a process of elimination.) 3 be in the process of doing sth/be in process to have started doing something and not yet be finished  (The company is in the process of moving to new offices. | New guidelines are in process.) 4 a system or a treatment of materials that is used to produce goods  (an advanced industrial process) 5 in the process while you are doing something or something is happening  (Katie jumped out of the tree, spraining her ankle in the process.) 6 technical a legal case, considered as a series of actions  (- see also due process) ~2 v 1 to treat food or some other substance by adding substances to give it colour, keep it fresh etc  (processed cheese) 2 to print a picture from a photographic film 3 to deal with a document  (Your application for a mortgage is being processed.) 4 to put information into a computer to be examined  (- see also data processing, word processor) ~3 v to move in a procession, or to move very slowly and seriously ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  int. bus. abbr. Proactive Response Of Cargill Employees Securing Safety ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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